Hair & Bridal Nook


Hair & Bridal Nook

Welcome to the Hair and Bridal Nook.

During the week our Hair Nook is used as a salon by Joanne Hart. If you are looking for a new hairstylist please contact us as Joanne is currently taking new clients. Feel free to visit her Facebook page for more information.

In addition, when combined with The Living Room the Hair Nook turns into the most beautiful space for brides, and her girls, to use as they get ready for the big day.

The Bridal Nook is a space for brides to not only have their hair and makeup done but it offers a place to relax and socialize as the bride-to-be eases into one of the busiest and special days of her life. We have a larger dressing area with a full-length mirror, a kitchenette for a light lunch or snack, many great areas for pictures as well as a great vibe and ambience for all to enjoy.

At The Nook we want to make sure brides are taken care of. If you would like to add in the services of our resident hairstylist or photographer, or if you need our assistance in bringing in food and drink just let us know. We are happy to help make the morning before the main event something to remember.

If you are interested in renting out The Nook on the day of your wedding or would like to learn more about this unique service contact us here. We look forward to chatting more and starting off your wedding day right!

The Bridal Nook is $100/hour plus tax. This includes full access to The Nook and all our amenities including hairstyling and makeup stations for hairstylist and makeup artist and much more!

Already booked The Living Room and need more space?

This space (cleaned of all hairstyling accessories) is automatically added on to all Living Room rentals to allow extra space.

Check out our other spaces

The Living Room | Photo Nook